Buy a PlayTime Scheduler Gift Card

Gift a one-year Premium User membership for $25, or a one-year Power User membership for $35. Smaller amounts are also available. Note: Due to this being a subscription product, a credit card will be required to set up the user's account.

Here’s an example of the email they’ll get. You’ll see a live preview on the next page.
  • We’ll personalize it with the recipient’s name and the amount you choose below

    PlayTime Scheduler
    Joshua Lyman
  • Enter the recipient’s details below. Here’s how we’ll display them in the email.

  • Amounts are in USD. Your recipient will get the full amount.

  • If you choose today, they’ll get it in about 15 minutes.

  • Enter your details below. We’ll send you a receipt now and a confirmation once it’s been delivered.

You’ll see a final preview and pay on the next page

Your data is processed securely using SSL and AES-256 encryption. We use Cardivo to securely manage gift cards.